PMI – Strona Karier


Philip Morris in Poland has begun building its employer brand. This coincided with the gigantic transformation of this 8th corporation of the world. From a product-centric company, it is becoming customer-centric, and thanks to IQOS, among other things, it is freeing the world from tobacco smoke.  

All this required the creation of a completely new narrative style, the introduction of close-to-human tonality of communication and, above all, language.



First, we gathered all the project participants and presented our approach: ruthlessly human-centered communication and SIMPLE language. And then we wrote. We wrote. We wrote.  


PMI’s career site in Poland is shown around the world as exemplary.  

After this project, the Children’s Day began for us: we implement online campaigns, offline campaigns, internal campaigns, quizzes, and mailings for PMI – a whole lot of projects that still… thrill us like the first Marlboro smoked in a high school toilet (before high school we couldn’t afford Marlboro).

05.PMI – Employer Branding